Established in 2001 in Newcastle upon Tyne, Eliesha Training is an experienced training provider and L&D consultancy. As specialists in management and leadership development, we have supported hundreds of organisations and hundreds of thousands of individuals across all sectors with access to a relevant, engaging and impactful learning experience developing the knowledge, skills and confidence to thrive in their day-to-day role and build successful careers.
We are a long-term Approved Centre with ILM and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), delivering accredited programmes towards their popular and respected qualifications in Management & Leadership and Coaching & Mentoring, from Levels 2-7 and including online/distance learning. We also deliver the Level 3 and 5 Management Apprenticeships as a Main Provider on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP), helping organisations to access comprehensive leadership development with either their Apprenticeship Levy payments or non-Levy funding.

Eliesha can design and deliver impactful learning throughout the UK and worldwide, as anything from a one-off webinar to a long-term development programme delivered via face-to-face workshops. We have a significant library of materials from which we can deliver off-the-shelf or produce contextualised training sessions, or work with you as subject matter experts to design completely bespoke interventions that produce your precise learning outcomes and development objectives. We also design and supply online Microlearning in the form of our pearls of wisdom® and e.Micro-Toolkits, as well as providing specialist solutions such as One-to-one/Executive Coaching, Assessment & Development Centres and skills development in emergent areas like EDI, Wellbeing and Remote/Hybrid Leadership.
Our Vision, Mission & Behaviours
All our work is guided by a specific vision and mission statement, crowdsourced by the Eliesha team and describing the type of training provider and learning partner we strive to be:
Bringing learning to life – creating a better future for all.
Our vision
We will deliver high-quality learning and development interventions that enable our customers to succeed and thrive. Our principal motivation is to consistently ‘delight the customer’.
Our mission
In order to make this a reality, all members of the Eliesha team commit to embodying four behaviours in their day-to-day work and interactions with learners and stakeholders:

We will be open and honest in order to build collaborative, trusting relationships that drive positive growth and development.

Acting with reliability and integrity, we will take ownership of our actions.

We will support all our teams and partners, enabling everyone working for or learning with us to feel respected, valued and supported to reach their full potential.

Using proactively-sourced feedback and new ideas, we will ensure we are fully meeting the needs and objectives of existing and future customers and learners.
Working with you…
Learning partnership
We excel in forming long-term learning partnerships with our clients, supporting and empowering their people with a better ability to help their organisation deliver exceptional products and/or services. We recognise that change is now a constant of business life and it’s more important than ever to have trusted, proven suppliers able to deliver consistently high standards and create tailored, innovative solutions to complex, emerging organisational challenges.
A complete service
In practice, this means we give high levels of friendly, competent customer support and service at every stage. Measurement and evaluation of learning is as important to us as our investment in innovation, research and continuous professional development. Our clients want training that is blended and makes a real and measurable difference to the skills, resilience and performance of their people – and therefore to the improved competitiveness of their organisations.
Finding the right solution for you
We understand that the specific requirements of every organisation we work with are unique. Hence, we have a high quality portfolio of products and services that can be used discretely or blended into the most appropriate learning and development solution.
Learning philosophy
Eliesha is the training provider of choice for over 150 public and private sector organisations. Our standards, awards, certifications and commitments are core to our success and growth.

Our proactive learning partnership approach means sharing information on culture and systems, innovative delivery methods and expert knowledge of subject material to fully align and maximise the impact of our interventions to our clients’ needs. We build strong working relationships to ensure we embed our clients’ culture and ethos into our training interventions to achieve and exceed their expectations.
Our principle motivation is to consistently “delight the customer” and deliver our training in a way that “brings learning to life”. The rigour and consistency to do so are underpinned by comprehensive processes and procedures, all of which adhere to our our ISO9001 (Quality Management Systems), ISO14001 (Environmental Management Systems) and Cyber Essentials Plus (Information Security) certifications.

Eliesha recognises that climate change poses a threat to the economy, nature and society at large. We commit to immediate action in order to:
- Halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
- Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
- Disclose our progress on a yearly basis
In doing so, we are proud to be recognised by the United Nations’ Race to Zero campaign and join governments, businesses, regions and universities around the world sharing the same mission.
We view training evaluation and return on investment as of paramount importance in determining and demonstrating the value and impact of a learning solution. Our approach to achieving desired client objectives is to put in place a range of relevant measures and assessments. We recommend and have had significant success with the 4-step Kirkpatrick model (Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, Results), a detailed and well-regarded evaluation model.

Our people
The Eliesha team works out of our head office in Newcastle upon Tyne and, to enable UK-wide delivery, we maintain a strategic staffing network of over 250 associate trainers, facilitators, coaches, occupational psychologists and L&D consultants.
Experienced experts
This network includes experience in every sector and expertise in all aspects and areas of professional learning and organisational development. It allows us to recommend a design and delivery team well suited to all our learning partners, including local trainers and facilitators for face-to-face delivery.
Many of our staff and associates are members of professional bodies such as the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) with many holding CIPD qualifications, as well as degrees and post-graduate qualifications in specialist subject areas.
Pushing the boundaries
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of all our staff is fundamental to our proactive, forward-thinking approach and enables them to maintain good professional standing and to work credibly with our clients and learners. Our associates keep up to date with trends in management and leadership by contributions to professional bodies, networks, forums, books, research and by undertaking relevant qualifications. Our consultants regularly attend conferences, events and networking meetings to discuss current learning and development trends and forthcoming changes to ensure we are able to effectively support and advise our clients.
Video: Introducing Eliesha Training
Click below to download our Introducing Eliesha brochure.