North Yorkshire County Council

Coaching Conversations for Managers


Eliesha was successful in securing a contract with North Yorkshire County Council to support their learning and development framework and, in particular, their coaching network.  


The Council strategically decided to introduce a coaching culture within the organisation. This was a dramatic shift in the traditional methods of management used.  The Council’s key requirement was to focus on their managers to learn, practice and implement professional coaching conversations to engage their staff and to support the coaching culture within the organisation.   


Eliesha worked in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council to design a bespoke 2 day Coaching Conversations for Managers workshop.  This entailed providing the requisite techniques of coaching in day 1 and was structured with a two week gap before day 2 was delivered to the Managers.  Within the two week period, managers were assigned a project which required them to put into practice the coaching techniques they learnt on day 1 and coach a sample of their staff to refine their skills.  When the managers returned on day 2 they were required to report back on what went well with their coaching sessions and collectively what could be improved.  

““This course was excellent; the trainer had a clear love of and significantly in depth knowledge of coaching practices. She adapted to our needs and used clear analogies to demonstrate her points well. I am looking forward to practising my skills in preparation for day 2””


Over an 8 month period, 216 managers from various departments attended the 2 day Coaching Conversation for Manager’s course. Feedback indicated that the programme had been extremely well received and had made a significant positive impact on the organisation’s coaching pool and culture.  Due to the success of initial programme, Eliesha was commissioned to deliver the same programme to a further cohort of North Yorkshire County Council managers.

Delegate feedback included:

“This was an excellent course with a brilliant trainer, this has provided me with new tools and techniques to use when managing staff; this has also improved staff engagement”

“This course was very well prepared and the trainer was responsive to the needs of the participants, the trainer highlighted the learning objectives and made this very clear-I would highly recommend this course”

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