London Borough of Newham Council


The Councils’ Change and Transformation Strategy has a number of implications in terms of organisational structure, services, staffing and skills. These include the need to form and develop strategies relating to organisational development, improved management, leadership and business skills, improved collaborative, co-operative, partnering and team performance skills. These skills are required to support the building of productive new relationships to deliver more efficient use of resources, innovate and deliver services effectively.

Training we delivered

One of the Council’s priorities was to ensure that all of their staff and, in particular, managers, were best placed and equipped to implement their HR policies and procedures. Eliesha was awarded a contract for the design, delivery and evaluation of training courses for the Council’s Manager’s Toolkit and Learning & Development workshops.  Training was delivered to both managers and staff and covered a wide range of courses such as:

  • Managing High Performance Teams
  • Managing Performance
  • Emotional Awareness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Report Writing
  • Presentation Skills
  • Dealing with Difficult Conversations
  • Assertiveness Skills
  • Managing in a Climate of Change
  • Embracing the Challenge of Change
  • Managing People through Change
  • Time Management
  • Success at Interviews
  • Job Application & Interview Skills
  • Interview Skills for Candidates
  • Team Building Event
  • Introduction to Minute Taking and Reporting Meetings
  • Managing Diversity
  • Welcoming Diversity

To engage with a wider audience within the Council, and in consideration of the availability of Council staff, Eliesha also provided a range of bitesize and masterclass events including:

  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Different Perspectives
  • Improving Group Efficiency
  • Introducing Emotional Intelligence
  • Just for a Change
  • Mind Maps
  • Say What
  • What’s the Story
  • Coaching Masterclass

A working partnership

The relationship with the Council was very much one of partnership working, with learning and knowledge transferred both ways. The design and development of the courses was undertaken by experienced Eliesha L&D Consultants in close consultation with the Council L&D team.  The Eliesha L&D team liaised with Council representatives to agree evaluation criteria and required outcomes for the above courses.  We applied the Kirkpatrick evaluation model and provided pre and post course forms which were completed by each delegate – the trainer also completed an evaluation form. The evaluation forms were collated and analysed by Eliesha and detailed information was provided to the Council at contract review meetings. Evaluation feedback was used at these meetings to ensure organisational and individual learning outcomes were being continually met. Any suggested improvements to the workshops were discussed and – once agreed – enhancements were made to the individual course designs. This partnership approach to evaluation and quality assurance ensured the training courses remained fit for purpose.

“The Eliesha management team and training consultants have been very supportive and flexible to our needs. Together we have found solutions that worked for Newham and our employees in a partnership manner. Eliesha has very high standards and the majority of courses delivered by them received at least 85% excellent ratings, often higher. One of the easiest contracts I have managed. The contract manager has been a particular beacon of excellence and partnership working. A highly recommended company.”

Head of Leadership & Organisational Development

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The Law Society

Leading with Impact Programme Context Formed in 1825, The Law


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