Complaints and Appeals Procedure

All learners have the right to appeal against any assessment decisions made by their Assessor.

  • A failure to provide a service or an inadequate quality or standard of service.
  • Wrong information about training programmes.
  • The quality and availability of facilities and learning resources.
  • Accessibility of assessment.
  • The behaviour of a member of staff.

Initially, if you have any concerns, speak to your Assessor.  Together you can discuss the matter and hopefully reach a satisfactory conclusion.  However, if you are unhappy with the outcome, you should refer the matter in writing to your Internal Verifier at Eliesha Training within 20 working days.

The Internal Verifier will arrange a meeting with you and your Assessor in order to listen to the views expressed by both parties.  Any relevant evidence will be examined and a decision made about which you will be informed within 20 working days.

If no satisfactory outcome has been reached after this decision, you may appeal in writing to The Appeals Panel at Eliesha Training.  This should be done within 20 working days of you receiving your decision from your Internal Verifier.

The Appeals Panel will act objectively and independently and will ensure it has full accounts from all parties involved.  A decision will be made and sent to you in writing within 20 working days of the Panel meeting.

If, having exhausted Eliesha’s Appeals Procedure, you are still dissatisfied, then you may appeal to the awarding body. 


You should also be aware that you have the right to complain to Eliesha Training if you wish to challenge an appropriate aspect of the Eliesha Centre’s operation.

You can complain about:

  • Your access to assessment.
  • The process of your assessment.
  • Your access to Internal Verification.
  • How any appeal you have made has been handled.
  • Failure of the Eliesha Centre to register you for a qualification or apply for a certificate.

Anyone wishing to complain should do so in writing to the Centre Manager at Eliesha Training within 20 working days of the issue arising.  A decision will be made and notified to the person making the complaint within 20 working days.

If you are not happy with this decision you may complain in writing within 20 working days to the Complaints Panel at Eliesha Training.

The Complaints Panel will act objectively and independently and will ensure it has full accounts from all parties involved.  A decision will be made and sent to you in writing within 20 working days of the meeting.

Complaints should be sent to:

Janet Vince – Head of Accredited Centre

Eliesha Training

Newcastle House

Albany Court

Newcastle upon Tyne


0191 2822800 or [email protected] or [email protected]

Any relevant evidence will be examined and discussed with the Appeals Panel.

The Appeals Panel will act objectively and independently and will ensure it has full accounts from all parties involved.  A decision will be made and sent to you in writing within 20 working days of the Panel meeting.


If, having exhausted Eliesha’s Appeals Procedure, you are still dissatisfied, then you may appeal to the relevant awarding body and/or where appropriate, the National Apprenticeship Helpdesk.

National Apprenticeship Help Desk:
Email – [email protected]
Telephone: 0800 015 0400

Chartered Management Institute

Email – [email protected]

Telephone – 01536 207 471

Institute of Leadership & Management

Email – [email protected]


Email –

Telephone – 0191 239 8000

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