National Apprenticeship Week 2020: Meet a Management Apprentice

This week it’s National Apprenticeship Week, a chance for training providers like Eliesha to introduce the apprenticeship training that they provide and detail the fantastic opportunity that it represents, for employers and employees alike.

As the theme of National Apprenticeship Week 2020 is “Look Beyond”, Eliesha is calling on employers to look beyond the traditional development routes for existing managers and introduce apprenticeships into the mix.

The best way for us to show off the diverse and far-reaching benefits that our Management Apprenticeship programmes have is to introduce you to one of our apprentices! We spoke to Caroline – an apprentice on one of our ‘open’ programmes in the North East – about her experiences so far:

Hi Caroline! Firstly, where do you work and how long have you been there for?
I have worked for Wood and its legacy companies for 17 years this August.

And what’s your job title?
People & Organisation Development Manager

What apprenticeship are you doing?
Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager.

What skill or area of your work do you think has benefited from your apprenticeship the most?
Without doubt, for me it has been around gaining much greater self-awareness and improved self-management which has then gone on to help me build bigger, stronger working relationships across the business.

What’s been your favourite part of the programme?
It may come as no surprise given my ‘day-job’, but I have loved the modules of the programme which were more people centric as this is what I find energises me. I particularly enjoyed ‘managing and leading people’ and the ‘building relationships’ modules.

In terms of the format of the programme, it was great to have the monthly face-to-face teaching element which gave me time to spend with my fellow Apprentices, spend time with Julie our Coach, share experiences and complete practical activities. I personally found these enjoyable and fun

What changes have you noticed in your management style?
I would say going through the programme has given me more confidence in the way I manage in that I am more comfortable taking time to think, considering the impact my decisions and behaviours could have on others, rather than just reacting in the moment which is maybe what I would have done previously.

What advice would you pass on to other management apprentices?
My reasons for starting the Apprenticeship originally were partly for me but partly as I wanted to do some due diligence on this type of Apprenticeship on whether it would be suitable for Managers in our business given we are paying into the levy now and this would be a good means of utilising that. This has meant I was in quite a unique position, viewing the Apprenticeship through two different lenses. I can honestly say that I have gained so much from the programme and I would recommend it.

My advice would be to approach the course like you would any learning, and that is with an open mind, and even if you are an experienced manager, you are sure to gain new knowledge and enhance your management skills and leadership approach.

And finally, what has surprised you most about your apprenticeship?
I was most surprised by how much I have learned throughout the Apprenticeship because although many theories and models were a refresher for me, there was still so much new and current to learn. Times are very different now and managers need to be able to support their people through an ever-changing environment and help bring out the best in them. I feel that I am much better equipped to do that now.

I surprised myself throughout the Apprenticeship by how focused I could be when completing assignments and it was great to receive positive feedback from our coach. This often gave me the motivation and encouragement to see things through to fruition when it felt tough managing my time.

Eliesha is a main provider on RoATP and is already helping a diverse range of organisations – of all sizes – to deliver behaviour, skills and knowledge change in their management capacity.
Our programmes are highly successful, with 100% of completions achieving their qualification and 89% of completions achieving merit or distinction.

If you’re interested in looking beyond a traditional development path for existing managers and taking advantage of the management apprenticeship opportunity, please email us on the address below.

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