1.0 Quality Policy
Quality Policy ISO9001
This Quality Assurance Manual has been developed to provide a Quality Management System for implementation by nominated staff of Eliesha Training Ltd. The purpose of the Quality System, as detailed in this Quality Manual and supporting documentation, is to ensure that all services provided are in compliance with customers’ requirements, and those stipulated in BS EN ISO 9001:2015. Our primary aim is to consistently ‘delight the customer’.
Compliance with this Quality Policy is mandatory for all employees of Eliesha Training Limited. All staff are encouraged to develop and maintain an attitude of continued quality improvement within their area or activity. Through teamwork and a programme of training, education and professional development we aim to continually improve our services to the customer and enhance the knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and dedication of all our staff and associate trainers. We will continue to review our business aims and objectives always ensuring that they are compatible with our aim of achieving the highest standards of service delivery on behalf of our customers.
The Managing Director has delegated responsibility for the day-to-day running of the Quality System to the Quality Manager and Internal Auditors. They will represent the company in all matters that relate to Quality Assurance and have full authority, freedom and responsibility to monitor the effectiveness of the Quality System through regular Audits and Corrective Action Reviews.
2.0 Eliesha is a “Quality” Company
2.1 Quality Assurance
Eliesha’s principle motivation is to consistently “delight the customer”. To achieve this we model, promote and improve our business excellence in partnership with our clients by integrating the advice, principles, processes and systems within:
Quality Accreditations/Standards | Status |
BS EN ISO9001 Quality Management Systems (Reg. GBO1/52655) | Holder |
BS EN ISO14001 Environmental Management System (Reg. GB10/81956) | Holder |
Cyber Essentials Plus | Accredited |
Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) | Management apprenticeships for: Team leader/Supervisor and Operations/Departmental Managers Approved 1st May 2017 |
NCFE (Centre No: 8462347) | Approved Centre to offer Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 2 and Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Level 2 |
ILM (Centre No. 005099) | Approved Centre to offer Award, Certificate and Diploma Programmes in: Team Leading, Leadership and Management andCoaching and Mentoring from Level 2 to Level 7. |
Chartered Management Institute (Centre No. 2301025) | Approved Centre to offer Award, Certificate and Diploma Programmes in: Team Leading, Leadership and Management andCoaching and Mentoring from Level 2 to Level 7. |
Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development | Member |
IOSH Accredited Training Organisation | Approved |
This Quality Assurance Framework enables clients to purchase our expertise efficiently and effectively.
2.2 Environmental Management Policy ISO14001
Eliesha is a leading national training provider. A wide range of learning and development interventions are provided in house and at external venues by a network of Associate Consultants located throughout the UK. Eliesha has a dedicated training centre in Newcastle and employs approximately twenty staff and 150 Associate Consultants at any one time.
Our principal motivation is to consistently delight our customers and this includes the way we go about managing and reducing the environmental aspects and impacts associated with our activities. We have consulted with clients and delegates to identify environmental issues of concern to them, associated with course development and delivery, and are working to address those issues as a priority.
We have identified that our main environmental aspects are associated with business travel, office energy consumption, waste and procurement of materials. As a result we are committed to complying with all legal and other requirements associated with our activities, preventing pollution, committed to protect the environment and driving continual environmental improvement by established objectives and targets that are periodically monitored and reviewed by the Directors.
Environmental management at Eliesha is implemented through STEPP ‘Strategy Towards Environmental Protection Project’ which involves employees, associates, clients and suppliers, and aims to motivate and educate individuals to be involved and implement requirements.
This policy is subject to periodic review by the Directors and is available to interested parties and the public on request.
2.3 Customer Focus
Eliesha considers that customers’ requirements are paramount and strives to exceed customers’ expectations.
Eliesha’s Senior Management has accepted the responsibility for ensuring that customers’ needs are met through accurate and comprehensive identification of their requirements. A process of close consultation with clients is followed by active Eliesha staff involvement at internal meetings to identify, discuss and provide solutions for each customer. Targets for achievement are identified so that during the performance of the contract, internal monthly meetings can be held to discuss and monitor progress in achieving customer satisfaction. These can be supplemented by ad hoc meetings on a needs basis, identified by either/both Eliesha and the client. Eliesha offer clients the opportunity to receive progress reports at intervals of their choice and recommend formal Review Meetings with clients’ Contract Managers to ensure Quality Systems are in place and customers benefit with value for money and a “right first time” service.
2.4 Involvement of People
Eliesha has invested in staff who have a fundamental passion to succeed and improve.
The Company is committed to develop its people to achieve business objectives. Every member of staff is actively involved in the agreement of their own continuous professional development plan and annual staff appraisal. Regular review ensures that business objectives are being met and achievement of development actions is monitored consistently. All new employees receive an induction to the company and the training they need to do their jobs.
Eliesha has an evaluation programme to assess the investment, competence and commitment of employees and the use made of skills. A variety of methods are available to provide a formal vehicle for expressing any concerns. An open door communication policy actively encourages informal feedback on an ongoing basis to encourage employee participation in assessing the outcomes of training and development and achieving business objectives.
All Eliesha’s Training Consultants are members or associate members of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and/or other similar training and development networks. In addition we ensure that Training Consultants are trained in accordance with client requirements. Specific train the trainer events are held where appropriate for those assigned to new contracts to ensure that in addition to their ability and suitability to deal with the skill/learning area and delegates involved, they have an awareness of outcomes required by the client and a full understanding of cultural, organisational and contractual issues.
2.5 Leadership
Senior management within Eliesha have identified our business objectives and have a strategic plan on how to achieve them and all staff are committed to achieving these objectives. Management support each team member to give their best efforts through helping them set personal objectives, continuous professional development planning, the staff appraisal system and an open door communication policy within the team. This has created an environment in which staff have become fully involved in achieving our organisation’s objectives.
2.6 Process Approach
Eliesha has adopted a process approach to business improvement and have identified processes which deliver outcomes of strategic value to our customers. This has facilitated Quality Auditing and the production of working procedures so that staff have information at their fingertips. Also Eliesha has defined a clear and open management structure which shows individuals their responsibilities and their interdependence in the performance of each contract.
2.7 Systematic Approach to Management
Eliesha ensure that compliance with the quality system is managed through systems of identified processes for given objectives. Regular monitoring and review of quality, administration, strategy, operations and staff development activities are undertaken. Eliesha has its own trained Internal Auditors who plan, schedule and conduct Internal Quality Audits. Customer satisfaction is monitored and reviewed constantly through the contract management process.
2.8 Factual Approach to Decision Making
Decisions taken by Eliesha are based upon analysis of all data and information collected. Our data collection methods are customer focused and include the use of spreadsheets and databases as well as paper documents. All staff have appropriate access to computerised data via the network thus facilitating collection of data, provision of accurate and up to date information and the ability to track results.
2.9 Continual Improvement
Eliesha has adopted a continuous improvement strategy as a permanent objective. This total management system has been designed to secure ongoing improvement of our people, services and processes. A plan, do, check and act approach is utilised and feedback from our staff and clients provides a significant contribution. Individual delegate course evaluation forms provide immediate post course feedback. Completion of specific trainer reports at the end of each course provide information on overall events, facilities and venues. Eliesha recommend three-six month follow up by line managers with delegates to assess the effectiveness of the training and impact on performance.
2.10 Mutually Beneficial Relationships
Eliesha has recognised the benefits of managing external relationships through supplier partnerships and strategic partnerships. In particular, the synergy created between Eliesha and our Training Consultants as we work on common problems to achieve common goals, has resulted in constant improvement to our product quality through upgrades and the introduction of new courses. Another benefit is the development of long-term commitment of both partners. Partnerships with suppliers and contractors facilitate the exchange of ideas on best practice and innovative training and delivery methods.
In summary, Eliesha ensures that our Quality System Framework is the means by which we can satisfy ourselves that our product is improving and business objectives are being realised. Within our Quality System, the dynamic cycle of planning, doing, checking and acting is deployed in maintaining and continuously improving all processes, from high level strategic processes to low level operational activities.