The Positive Impact of Management Apprenticeships

With the hybrid and remote working trends of the last two years continuing, productivity is in the limelight. Debate and discussions are taking place about how an individual’s level of productivity is affected by the location and environment from which they work.

However, in our experience of supporting large and complex organisations with their organisational development goals, within which productivity often features, the ability to be work ‘productively’ is much more about the skillsabilities and behaviours that individuals – and their managers – can call on.

Which is why it’s fascinating to hear that, according to a survey of registered management apprentices by the Chartered Management Institute90% of them agreed they were acquiring the skills to be more productive at work.

CMI, who contributed subject matter expertise to the production of the new management apprenticeship standards in 2017, are perfectly placed to speak on the performance improvements that they bring about.

They also found that…

89% of the same management apprentices agreed that their programme is having a positive impact on their ability to contribute to their organisation

69% of those surveyed thought that their apprenticeship programme was supporting them with the skills they needed to achieve promotion in their current role

and 79% agreed that covering both the theory and practice of management in their apprenticeship programme would make them a more effective manager/leader

So, you could be developing managers and leaders that are more productive, making a bigger contribution to your organisation, and giving them confidence they can pursue more responsibility and build their career without changing employers.

That last statistic supports something we embed in all of our learning interventions – the importance of understanding theory and being guided to put it into practice.

This is where apprenticeship programmes really excel – their success and assessment is totally underpinned by the ability of apprentices to evidence that they are using their new skills, behaviours and understanding in their role, i.e. truly learning on the job.

CMI’s research also found that management apprenticeships were popular programmes of learning: 8 in 10 of the surveyed management apprentices rated their ‘overall experience’ as positive and, overall, respondents achieved a Net Promoter Score of +32.

When it comes to what is required to make apprenticeship programmes successful, and bring about the required transfer of learning, positivity is vital. We make no secret of the fact that our management apprenticeship programmes are in-depth learning journeys, which require commitment. In our experience, that commitment comes much more readily from individuals who are positively engaged with that journey, rather than feeling like it had been impressed upon them, or is ‘happening to’ them.

To enquire about Eliesha’s delivery of the Level 3 (Team Leader/Supervisor) and/or Level 5 (Operations/Departmental Manager) apprenticeship standards for existing employees within your organisation, click here to send us an email, or here to place an enquiry on our Talk to Us page.

Source – CMI Infographic

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First-hand reflections on our Management Apprenticeships programmes

We know that our Level 3 and 5 Management Apprenticeship programmes are having a positive impact on the knowledge, skills...

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