How do we embrace diversity?​

Within our richly diverse and multi-cultural society we need to be able to provide support, respond appropriately and sensitively to, and manage issues relating to gender, age, ethnicity, disability, religion and sexuality. For organisations to successfully implement equal opportunity policies and plans, their staff need to know their duties to challenge prejudice and disadvantage and promote and acknowledge the importance of diversity and human rights in the workplace. Hence, staff need to update their equality and diversity knowledge and skills. This can be undertaken and encouraged within the framework of personal and professional development.

In terms of organisations and their workforces, equality and diversity is about valuing and reaping the benefits of a varied workforce that makes the best of people’s talents whatever their backgrounds. Combined together, equality and diversity drive an organisation to comply with anti-discrimination legislation, as well as emphasising the positive benefits of diversity, such as drawing on a wider pool of talent, positively motivating all employees and meeting the needs of a wider and equally diverse customer base.

Eliesha has provided market leading Equality and Diversity solutions for over 14 years. Our solutions help our clients embrace equality and diversity, demonstrating the benefits of how effective equality and diversity practice can contribute to the value of a wide range of experience, ideas and creativity. In addition, good policy and practice can give the individual employee motivation and a feeling of being enabled to work to their full potential.

Many of our clients operate within exceedingly diverse cultural environments. We recognise, respect and value diversity and we strive to meet the interests of all of our clients and their staff. Eliesha offers a wide range of training interventions including equality impact assessments. Our training programmes inform and support participants to reflect on their attitudes, actions and practice. Our experience and knowledge underpins our approach to help individuals increase their self-awareness, confidence and competence.

Our Equality and Diversity training interventions deal with many of the complex and emotive issues surrounding equal opportunities and diversity, in a sensitive yet powerful way. Example courses include:

  • Avoiding Bullying and Harassment
  • Creating an Inclusive Working Environment
  • Dignity at Work
  • Disability and Carers Awareness
  • Diversity Awareness
  • Equalities and Valuing Diversity
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Equality and Diversity for Leaders and Managers
  • Equality and Diversity for Team Members
  • Equality Impact Assessments
  • Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Awareness
  • Inclusion, Diversity & Equality
  • Managing Diversity
  • Managing Performance – Dealing with Equality Issues
  • Partnership Equality & Diversity at Work
  • Welcoming Diversity
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