Funded Leadership Development via Apprenticeships

As far as organisational learning and development projects go, few are more impactful and beneficial than developing your leaders and managers. “Good managers are the difference between high-performing teams and under-performing groups of individuals” in the words of the Chartered Management Institute – they “live the organisation’s values and drive good behaviours.”

Overall business performance is positively correlated with formal management training; meeting more objectives, creating a more positive work environment, fostering cultures of innovation and improvement and upskilling staff. (Source)

So, in the search to harness these benefits in your organisation, you may be excited to learn that funded, accredited and tiered leadership development is available for managers in England. As you consider the options to support these critical organisational assets, why wouldn’t you shortlist a programme which is:


Eliesha can help you to access £4,500pp funding for Team Leaders and £7,000pp for Operations Managers. By using your apprenticeship levy these extensive development programmes will be fully funded. If you are a non-levy payer they are 95% funded, meaning access to £4,500 / £7,000pp programmes for only £225pp / £350pp respectively!


As an Approved Centre with both ILM and CMI, we have carefully mapped our learning content and blended delivery methods to ensure our management apprentices achieve additional Level 3 or Level 5 qualifications (as appropriate) whilst they complete their apprenticeships.

Virtually Delivered:

To make these leadership development programmes as accessible and convenient as possible, they are virtually-delivered and learners are supported with high quality online resources. So, whatever hybrid working policy you employ and wherever your staff are located within England, we will be able to deliver our programme to them and support their entire learning journey.


The programmes move through three steps at each level: Personal Effectiveness, Organisational Performance and Interpersonal Excellence. Within these steps, modules include Self-Awareness, Communication, Managing People and Problem Solving & Decision Making. By the end of their programme, learners have developed an independently-verified list of knowledge areas, skills and behaviours that will make them confident and competent in the role of the modern manager.


Assessment and achievement of the leadership development programmes are tied to practicing what has been learned, so without using and demonstrating their new knowledge, skills and behaviours in their day-to-day role, they cannot progress. This makes these the most impactful training programmes on the market and means that your business will see immediate results in the workplace.


At both the Team Leader and Operations Manager levels, we run ‘open’ programmes (next starts = October 2024), which are available to any number of learners from any sector who come together to form a cohort. We have welcomed learners from a wide range of public, private and third sector employers onto our programmes, from FTSE 100 groups to small, local charities. Wherever your organisation falls on this scale, the choice to enrol learners on one of our programmes will reward your organisation with more confident and talented managers.

To learn more about accessing these funded leadership development programmes at Level 3 (Team Leaders) and Level 5 (Operations Managers)get in touch now. Our next open programmes are starting in October 2024, meaning you are perfectly positioned to get accredited learning support for any number of managers.

If you’re interested in hearing from stakeholders who have accessed this funded leadership development, click here. To read first-hand reflections from our learners themselves about their learning experiences, click here, and to read some comments from our learners’ line managers, about the changes and improvements they are witnessing in their staff, click here.

To read about how we helped the UK’s largest manufacturer of bricks & roof tiles turn their Levy into a tiered leadership development programme, click here.

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