Line Managers Can See the Benefit of Eliesha’s Management Apprenticeships

In our experience of delivering successful management apprenticeship programmes to organisations of varying sizes and sectors, we see a consistent factor, that is central to a successful learning journey: the role of the line manager.

We see and recognise that line management of an apprentice can appear to be a daunting task for busy managers. So we help line managers in this task and ensure that their apprentice gets the maximum benefit from their apprenticeship programme.

We see that those who have embraced the task of line managing an apprentice have found it highly beneficial. It has benefited their own workload, their personal development and enabled them to be even better leaders of people.

We know you might be thinking, “well they would say that, wouldn’t they!” But we aren’t saying this, line managers are, because they are seeing the benefits.

With day-to-day line management challenged and changed by widespread home-working, it is all the more important that line managers can see that the time and effort that their reports are investing in personal development is both helping them directly, and also bringing business benefit.

This importance is heightened by the apprenticeship style of learning, where apprentices must be supported to try their new skills and knowledge out in the workplace and be encouraged to take on tasks or challenges that they may not have faced before – broadening and deepening their role.

We have previously shared positive reflections from our management apprentices’ line managers and, with our programmes having continued to support managers and leaders nationwide through the unprecedented challenges of a pandemic, we are delighted to be able to share some more.

No-one is better placed to witness the substantial development of knowledge, skills and behaviours that our management apprenticeships bring about than line managers, which makes the following reflections all the more valuable.

All the quotes below have been taken directly from the regular ‘learner progress reviews’, where apprentices’ progression and development is tracked and discussed, with input from the programme tutor/coach, the line manager and the apprentice themselves.

*all names have been changed

To find out more about Eliesha’s delivery of the Level 3 and Level 5 Management Apprenticeship standards via engaging programmes of learning, just get in touch to arrange a meeting.

As well as ‘closed’ internal programmes that we can contextualise to your organisation (subject to minimum numbers), we run ‘open’ programmes that you can enrol any number of managers on.

On this page
Recent News
Infographic: The Economic Impact of Management Apprenticeships


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