
With more than 20 years of experience delivering impactful learning solutions to a diverse range of organisations, this is where we share our insight and expertise in the form of blogs, infographics and regular free events.
What is Adaptive Leadership?

Learning around Adaptive Leadership has seen an understandable increase in interest and uptake during the disruption of COVID-19. More than...

Management Apprenticeships: Support and Enable the New Normal

Widespread working from home has accelerated long-term underlying trends in working and learning. In fact, the effective use of technology...

Top Tips for Remote Meetings

Meetings can be challenging environments at the best of times. Everyone has experiences of meetings that dragged on for half...

Knowledge and Skills to Support the New Remote Workplace

The global COVID-19 pandemic means the digital workplace has become the new reality and the associated changes are impacting upon...

Dynamic and Engaging Online Learning

This is an unprecedented and difficult time for all employers and employees. First and foremost, we hope you are coping...

Equality & Diversity microlearning – why it matters

A look at how relevant Microlearning can not only help you stay on the right side of the law, it...

National Apprenticeship Week 2020: Meet another Management Apprentice

This week it’s National Apprenticeship Week, a chance for training providers like Eliesha to introduce the apprenticeship training that they...

National Apprenticeship Week 2020: Meet a Management Apprentice

This week it’s National Apprenticeship Week, a chance for training providers like Eliesha to introduce the apprenticeship training that they...

2020 Learning Trends: Microlearning on the Up!

Businesses succeed or fail based on the decisions made by employees every day. These decisions are informed by their knowledge...

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