Many of our clients are considering outsourcing their training provision in response to economic pressures – resulting in business transformation, reduced resources and the need to save costs and achieve efficiencies.
Within our richly diverse and multi-cultural society we need to be able to provide support, respond appropriately and sensitively to, and manage issues relating to gender, age, ethnicity, disability, religion and sexuality.
Eliesha develops bespoke training courses for our clients tailored to the specific needs of the participants and the organisations.
Eliesha is accredited to deliver a range of programmes, which we are continually expanding to meet evolving client needs.
In these challenging times of change, organisations need strong leaders and excellent operational managers who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, behaviours and resilience to deliver excellent outcomes.
Structured interaction with someone from outside the client organisation can stimulate a required shift in the way people think. Such shifts can have far-reaching effects on the direction and operation of the whole organisation.
We are in the midst of a shift from the traditional approach to training to a focus on the application of learning through assessing competency.
Eliesha has successfully supported organisations UK-wide in achieving improved engagement with their staff, customers and stakeholders.
By building a high performance workplace, encouraging effective learning and maximising the diversity of talent available, good talent management adds value to the business brand and the organisation is seen as an employer of choice.
Fully realised, performance management is a holistic process bringing together many of the elements that make up the successful practice of people management including learning and development.
Welcome to the Eliesha Training Alumni a community for leaders and coaches who have honed their skills through our development programmes.